JKG Collaborative | Architecture


Our core service is finding and delivering the right solutions for our clients. We do this through our basic services; planning and analysis, operational planning, space and needs planning, architecture, and sustainable practices. Our business philosophy is simple; provide great service, great design, and great value. We believe that expertise and the value it brings to your project does not have to come at a premium price, we keep our overhead low and integrate technology into our practice and pass the savings on to our clients.

Planning & Analysis

Before we develop targeted solutions, JKG Collaborative develops a fundamental knowledge of your unique requirements. We do not have a stock or canned methodology; we tailor our service to your particular situation. With an initial consultation and investigation, we conduct data acquisition, analysis, hypothesis and testing.

Based on our findings, we craft a clear statement of your goals and objectives, a structured analysis of your current/future needs, and a road map for you to make good decisions which typically includes conceptual plans, space needs, and economic analysis.

Operational Planning

We understand that your work environment directly affects you, your staff and your patients; it is undeniable. The work place impacts your daily life and majorly influences the quality of care for your patients. Our goal is to enhance your practice and enrich the lives it serves. By blending thoughtful design with proper planning, we create efficient, attractive spaces in which people can thrive.

Space & Needs Programming

We regard your health practice as a dynamic organism dependent upon basic working units successfully interacting with each other. JKG Collaborative has developed a proficient expertise and collection of resources to make many different medical specialties function at an optimum level. In turn, we can effectively determine space requirements that achieve strong productivity and synergy.

Architecture & interior design

JKG Collaborative brings together a dedicated, passionate team who work together in a true collaborative environment and process. We also believe that working together can achieve better results and everyone's contribution adds value. Our inclusive atmosphere allows for an adept ability to achieve creative, innovative and sound results.

Our architecture and design services begin with a definition of the project and an interactive imaging session. Based on our findings, the design process focuses on opportunities to strengthen your organization and offer cost effective, sustainable results.

We can also provide engineering, or we can work with your team of trusted partners. We welcome partnerships that bring value to you through great design, and quality construction services.

Sustainable Practices

Let's face the facts. Sustainability has become a buzz word, often meaningless, hollow, and without merit. But it can also be innovative, inspired, environmentally friendly, and can truly benefit your organization. JKG Collaborative encourages proven applications and technology that add value to your business and promote good stewardship of resources.

Before we specify a product or release a design, we analyze the ultimate performance so you can make informed choices and decisions, whether it is simply finding a better balance of energy use, reducing your water consumption or improving the interior environment for better productivity.